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Page 1 of 2 Tests Beginning with K 26 entries

KLISH  Kappa and Lambda Light Chain mRNA, In Situ Hybridization (ISH) Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KAIHC  Kappa Light Chain Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KAIPC  KappaLambda IHC (Bill Only) Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRT34  Keratin (34BE12) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRTAE  Keratin (AE1/AE3) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRTCA  Keratin (CAM 5.2) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRTOS  Keratin (OSCAR) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRT19  Keratin 19 (KRT19) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRT20  Keratin 20 (KRT20) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRT7  Keratin 7 (KRT7) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
UKET  Ketones, Urine Rochester General Hospital Laboratory
KI67  Ki-67 (MIB-1) Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KI67B  Ki-67(MIB-1), Breast, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Automated Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIBM  Ki-67(MIB-1), Breast, Semi-Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KINET  Ki-67(MIB-1), Gastrointestinal/Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Automated Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KINM  Ki-67(MIB-1), Gastrointestinal/Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIMEL  Ki67 + Melan A Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIDBN  Kidney Bean (Red), IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KKBRP  Kingella kingae, Molecular Detection, PCR, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KKRP  Kingella kingae, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIT  KIT Immunostain, Technical Component Only Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIWI  Kiwi Fruit, IgE, Serum Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KBFCS  Kleihauer Betke Rochester General Hospital Laboratory
XYMF  Known 45,X, Mosaicism Reflex Analysis, FISH, Whole Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KD2T  Krabbe Disease Second-Tier Newborn Screen, Blood Spot Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester